
Lemon Blueberry Popsicles


Popsicles are the PERFECT summer treat for me. I personally am not a huge baker, as you may have noticed from the distinct lack of baking recipes on my blog. I love treats, don’t get me wrong, but I just find everything so expensive here in Canada and I would much rather just mix a dab of honey with almond butter and cocoa powder and eat that with a spoon than actually put in the effort to turn on an oven. Especially on a hot summer day!

These popsicles came to me because a flavor I am constantly craving is lemon blueberry loaf. I don’t know why…but it has left an imprint on me! I think I had it once, and the thought of it has never left me. I should probably at least attempt muffins sometime soon. Fat Burning Chef has a lemon loaf I could add blueberries to as well, hmmm.

Back to popsicles though.

They’re greeeaaaat!

Easy to make, pretty healthy as far as treats go, and homemade popsicles are pretty much always better than store bought anyways. It’s basically a home run.

In case you want to know where I got my molds…I don’t know. I can’t remember!!! I went looking in a bunch of local shops recently and I couldn’t find any there, either. I found a few cool ones on amazon though! So check that out if you are in need.


Lemon Blueberry Popsicles

Makes 4
1 cup frozen blueberries
4 ice cubes
4 tbsp. coconut milk
3 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tbsp. honey


1. Blend all ingredients together in a blender. If it is too thick to blend or there is not enough to fill the cups completely, you can use a bit of cold water to level it out.

2. Pour or scoop blended mixture into popsicles and freeze until fully frozen, minimum 2 hours.

3. To remove from popsicle molds, run under hot water until they loosen up.


There you have it! It’s easy and they are really delicious. Sweet and tart and cooling on a hot day. Don’t be fooled though…they are really good on a cold day, too!

PS. In case you missed it, the Fat Burning Chef e-cookbook is on sale for this week ONLY! You’ll have a chance to win an ipad and a 100 dollar gift card to amazon as well so go check it out!!

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Tangy & Sweet Mustard Chicken Legs


This chicken recipe…ooooh this chicken recipe! I’m sorry, but it is just so tasty I can’t help but get really really excited over it. Finding a new glaze that isn’t full of preservatives, sugar, soy, etc. makes me oh so happy inside! I can’t wait to slather some of this all over some chicken thighs, I think that would be wonderful as well! I think it would even taste good on pork chops…hmmm.


But really though.

It’s so good.

The reason it’s so good is a combination of tangy, peppery, creamy and sweet flavours coming together on top of delicious, tender meat. Oh yeah. The different flavour notes combine to make these chicken legs unforgettable!


Tangy & Sweet Mustard Chicken Legs

Makes 2 Chicken Legs (serves 2)

2 tbsp. Honey Mustard (I use a local, low sugar, sweetened with real honey variety, erabaille brand)
1 tbsp. coconut milk (canned)
1/2 tbsp. lemon juice
1/2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar
1/2 tsp. black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

2. Mix together sauce ingredients. Smear on top of 2 chicken legs.

3. Place in oven for 45 minutes or until cooked through. Chicken should read at least 160 degrees on a cooking thermometer before being eaten.




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Spicy Egg stuffed Tomatoes


This may sound obvious, but social media is a very wonderful thing. Between facebook, twitter, and instagram I have made a lot of online friends! I love interacting with likeminded people and being inspired by them. One of the awesome people I have ‘met’ is @ashatude on twitter! Shout out to Ashley :) She tweeted me a photo of this delicious breakfast and I had to take a crack at it myself! Of course I never bothered to actually read the recipe until after I was done cooking…I have an odd way of doing things. Mostly I was just to lazy to dig it up in my twitter, I won’t lie to you.

In the end, it turned out I did tweak it a bit by separating the yolks and adding hot sauce to the egg whites. You gotta have hot sauce! I just plopped the yolk right back on top after and voila. Delicious spicy eggs stuffed inside of tomatoes and cooked to perfection. It really doesn’t get much better, except for when you eat is alongside rose hip kombucha and snow peas! Snow peas are my favorite thing. They are so delicious it’s crazy!


1 Large Tomato
2 eggs
1/2 tsp hot sauce (I use frank’s original…no creepy ingredients!)
sprinkle of organic garlic powder

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Cut the tomato in half and scoop out the middle. You can throw it out or be cool like me and eat it. Place the tomato cups in a greased muffin tin for stability.

2. Crack the eggs into a small dish and separate the yolks out into another. whisk the hot sauce into the whites, and pour them into the tomato cups.

3. Slide the yolks back on top of the tomato and egg white cup. I use my hands, just be careful! Sprinkle with garlic powder and bake for 25 minutes.

4. Remove from oven and serve with whatever you fancy!


PRO TIP: Ever bake eggs and have them cake onto the container in which you baked them? When washing, sprinkle and scrub with baking soda and then pour a bit of water into it and let it soak. The baking soda does an awesome job of de-sticking the egg, much more than soap can accomplish! Don’t ruin your pans any longer!

Paleo Curry Chicken Salad

Hey guys!

Sorry for the recent silence on this blog of mine. I still haven’t gotten internet set up at my new place yet! Crazy right? Well, I’m calling the company we chose today, but in the meantime I still really wanted to write something up, so here you go. I’m tethering with my phone to upload this to you. I love ya that much!

What I have to share with you today is a delicious salad that is easy and great to take with you on the go. It’s a flavorful salad due to the curry! It is so good though, trust me. The homemade dressing is only a couple of ingredients and way healthier than any soybean oil crap you could find at a salad bar or in the grocery store. If you pre-cook the chicken the night before, it’s really simple to throw this together in the morning before work, trust me I did it twice last week! The chicken also cooks really quickly when sliced, only takes 5 – 10 minutes.  Take the avocado whole with you too, so you can have it fresh when it’s time to eat!


I tried to keep the ingredient list short for this one, in order to keep it easy breezy for lunches at work.

Ingredients (for 1 salad)

1 Chicken Breast, sliced (cook more for leftovers if you want!)
2 cups red leaf lettuce, or other salad lettuce of your choice
1 mini cucumber
1 small avocado
1 tsp. mild curry powder

1/2 tsp. mild curry powder
1 tbsp. Tomato Paste
1 tbsp. Apple Cider Vinegar
1 tsp. coconut milk

1. Cut the chicken breast into small strips. Season with roughly 1 teaspoon of curry powder and cook in a frying pan on medium heat in about 1 tbsp. coconut oil until cooked through.

2. Chop up and wash the lettuce. Chop the cucumber. Chop the avocado if eating immediately if not keep whole until its time to eat!

3. Layer the salad: Lettuce cucumber, avocado, chicken. Then pour the dressing on top and enjoy!


1. Spoon 1 tbsp. tomato paste into small bowl or container. Add 1 small tsp. coconut milk. Add 1 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and 1/2 tsp. curry powder. Mix together and serve.

The reason I love this salad is it packs so much flavor without a lot of ingredients. Apple Cider Vinegar has a lot of health benefits as well, so its good to have that in your dressing sometimes as opposed to just balsamic. Chicken salad with plain olive oil and balsamic will get repetitive after a while, I PROMISE you!


I also like that its easy for people who don’t have a lot of time like me. I have been so busy trying to unpack and all of that lately that I have felt like I was a zombie. Today is my first day off alone and I am so thankful for it, I needed it! I was still able to pack this salad to bring to work this past week, so you know it is doable! I know I’ve been whining a lot about this move but it’s not all bad. Check out the badass sunset we had the other day above! That’s our view. The shiny stuff in the middle of the black is the Ottawa river. LOVE it!!! So happy.

Upgraded Paleo Pancakes

Hey guys! I haven’t been posting much lately but luckily this weekend my dad HOPEFULLY fixed my computer so it should start taking less than 20 minutes to log in to my computer now, which makes blogging much easier! I’m still super busy getting ready to move (keys in a week! OMG!) so I am definitely a bit preoccupied but I do have something for you :) Just enough time to write this down and run back to packing!

Paleo Pancakes
Instagram pic I shared when I ate them! @canadagirleatspaleo

I’m sure you have all heard of the pancakes that are made with just bananas and eggs. If not, all you do is mash 1 banana with 2 eggs and cook as you would a usual pancake. They are really simple and really good! However, they are sometimes a bit thin and spongy, so I decided to do a little alteration without making them terribly unhealthy.

This change made them a bit more fluffy and totally yummy!! Amazing. I still really like them both ways though. Mmmm this is just the best invention EVER!



Upgraded Paleo Pancakes
Serves 2

2 bananas
4 eggs
¾ cup unsweetend coconut flakes
½ tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
Coconut oil for cooking

Mash the bananas and mix thoroughly with the eggs. Stir in the coconut flakes, vanilla, and cinnamon. Pour into a hot pan with hot melted coconut oil on it. Cook for about 2 minutes on each side!


They are really simple and really good! I usually eat them plain but I drizzled some apple syrup on them last time for a nice Saturday morning treat.